
Ocean Science Curriculum Guide: An Introduction to Our Dynamic Ocean

waves photoThis website is designed to serve as an activities curriculum guide for educators who teach ocean science at the high school level or for those who would like to integrate ocean-related activities into their science classrooms. The curriculum, titled An Introduction to Our Dynamic Ocean, is based on the Ocean Literacy Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts (OLEP) and provides teachers with a series of hands-on lesson plans/activities that are classroom-ready and scientifically accurate. The textbook Life on an Ocean Planet is used as a reference.

Navigating the Website

Users can navigate to these lesson plans using the Topic or Subject navigation panels on the left side of the page. The Topic navigation panel contains an introduction and seven overarching topics. The Topics are based on the OLEP and serve as “units” to break the curriculum into sections. Under each Topic, several supporting Concepts, based on the OLEP Fundamental Concepts, are listed. The Subject panel consists of a list of science/math courses commonly taught at the high school level with sub-topics linked to supporting activities. Click on a Topic or Subject and all of the lesson plans/activities that support it will appear in the main panel. All activities have been matched to the National Science Education Standards.

Each activity lists a variety of information for educators, including a brief description of  the activity, who developed the activity, instruction time required to complete the activity, text reference, and the National Science Educations Standards and OLEP/Concept that the activity supports.


The curriculum was developed by: